ترجمة عقد زواج مصري من اللغة العربية الإنجليزية

          { In the name of Allah the most Gracious the most Merciful }

Marriage contract document

Recording book number :                             Document number :

Recorded in the civil statue records under number :        Dated on :

Each photo must be signed by the marriage Registrar and fingerprinted by the thumbs of
both husband and wife .

Im the marriage Registrar of      following      court of civil statue assured through reading the ID of husband /            that he was born in        governorate , Farasqor on 1 / 6 / 1974 A.D.

Also I assured through reading the ID of wife that she was born in         Governorate ,     
          on 19 / 11 / 1983 A.D.
Both of them declared their desire to register their marriage , after telling them the legal and legislative preventions and they declared that they are free of them , they also declared that they are free from any diseases which cause separation .

On Thursday           Corresponding to             at  :
In my presence Im            the marriage Registrar of        following      court of civil statue . At wifes house located in          .

The following marriage contact issued between

(A) Husband /                      (who attend himself)
Nationality:           Religion:                Date of birth:
Place of birth:         Occupation:             Address:
Work address:         ID number:            Issued on:
Civil record :          Husbands mother :
Domicile:               Wedlocks address : 
The husband admitted that he does not have any other wife.

(B) Wife:       who is virgin and her deputy is her father who receive the Dowry .
Nationality:          Religion:         Date of birth:
Place of birth :        Occupation :               Work address :           ID number :          Issued on:
Civil record :         Wifes mother:                                     Domicile:    
  A dowry of :     L.E. (                   Egyptian pound ) and  Egyptian pound is paid as a down payment and received by the wifes deputy, the rest deferred payment,
is                 Egyptian pounds to be paid and deserved in case of death or divorce accomplished .

This is legal marriage according to Allahs ( Holy Quraan ) and Sunnah of his apostle
(Peace Be Upon Him) with approval and acceptance of the husband and wifes deputy.

Special Conditions

There are not any special conditions

This was upon the witness of both

(1)                              Nationality:               Religion:
Date of birth:                    Place of birth:             Occupation:
Address:                        ID number:               Civil record:                Issued on:

(2)                             Nationality:              Religion:
Date of birth:                   Place of birth:            Occupation:       Address:
ID number:                    Civil record:              Issued on:

This document is written origin and three copies ,one delivered to husband ,the second one to wifes deputy,  the third one to Civil record of Farasqor and the origin saved in the record
                             The fees was paid

Husband / deputy      Wife / deputy        Witnesses           Registrar

( signature )            ( signature )        ( signature )         ( signature )

Court seal


المشاركات الشائعة من هذه المدونة

نص عقد زواج مترجم من اللغة العربية إلى الإنجليزية

الملف التعريفي